
What Happened to Carter?

I was sitting watching the Democratic Convention on MSNBC, the place for politics, and suddenly discovered that they were doing an extended interview with Nancy Pelosi, rather than showing President Carter's speech. How irritating! I had heard he was actually going to speak, and was so looking forward to hearing him. I immediately started doing a web video search for the speech.

And could find nothing. I started searching for text, and then finally discovered that there had been no speech. Because of Carter's call for justice in Palestine, he was deemed politically inconvenient, and there was no speech. There was a video tribute, a brief wave on stage, and the former President of the United States was whisked off the stage.

How could they?! He is the finest President I've had in my brief tenure on this Earth. He was an early supporter of Obama in the primaries, albeit with a wink and a nod. Carter came out for Obama long before it was definitive. Carter's commitment to human rights and social justice make his values far closer to those of Obama than the other former Democratic President who will be speaking tomorrow.

The Hidden Carter was an insult, and a mistake.

1 comment:

Jed Carosaari said...

And the Right Wing lunatic fringe strikes again! For those wondering about this post, some guy printed a spammer comment likely sponsored by the McCain campaign, as predicted previously in this blog. Outside those that deny that Jesus existed, that deny evolution, that think aliens landed at Roswell, that believe in a vast Jewish conspiracy to control the world and that no holocaust ever happened, everyone affirms that Obama is a US citizen- unless you're planning on disenfranchising the entire state of Hawaii, in violation of the 14th Ammendment?

However, it is due to Obama that McCain doesn't have to prove that he is a US citizen. As also reported in this blog, there is question in following the constitution if McCain is eligible. Not that he is a citizen, but is he a "natural-born" citizen, which is the language the constitution uses, without ever defining it. There is some question if being born in Panama, outside the US, allows someone to be a US citizen. However, as I reported, Obama months ago bent over backwards to create a congressional mandate making it clear that anyone born to military parents overseas (such as McCain)was a US citizen, in a rather astounding attempt to help one's opponent, rarely seen in American electoral history. But that's just the kind of guy Obama is. (If the constitution does not define a term, congress has the authority to do so.) Thus, thanks to Obama, McCain can now legally run for President.

Rest assured, I will now delete your comment. If you at any point want to insert non-spam language, something actually coming from yourself, even negative towards Obama, it will remain. A key way to do that would make sure the comment actually pertained to the article. This article was quite obviously on President Carter, in case the only letters of the English language you know are control, c, and v.